trans* soli Tresen & performance “---because death can’t kiss”

Donnerstag, 30. Mai 2024, 19.00 |
"--- because death can't kiss."

“---because death can’t kiss”
Performance and trans* soli Tresen
Thursday, 30th of May, 7-11pm
Fleetstreet Theatre, Admiralitätsstr. 71, HH

Performance teaser (max. 1h, in English spoken language):
(CN: mention of death and transmisogyny on stage)

Heinrike is waiting for her lover Otto at their wedding but he doesn’t arrive. Instead two weird women show up, one dressed in black and the other one in white. They apparently were looking for her. Why is Otto not coming and why is there an unknown baby at the wedding? Who are these women and why are they so reluctant to tell her?
“--- because death can’t kiss” explores desire and loss, hesitation and gain, death and birth and asks the question who’s deserving of what.

The performance is based on texts by Liddy Bacroff and Camila Sosa Villada.
Entry: 19:00, Start: 20:00

trans* soli Tresen bar night:

before and after the performance the space is open for hanging out as usually. The trans* soli Tresen is a monthly bar evening and community space for all and a-gender, raising awareness and money for trans*, inter* and/or non binary (tin*) folks and groups, usually happening at M1 in Wilhelmsburg.

This time the money goes to the organisation "trans sexworks" (@transsexworks)

Event and room information:

ground level entrance
access via 3 steps (we are currently searching for a ground level and wheelchair cessible toilet next by)
unisex toilets
not accesible during the time of performance (8-9pm)
NO quiet/retreat room available
colored light, NO strobe
background music
places to sit down and places to stand
please come tested
please stay at home with symptoms of a cold

> If you are missing information, please let us know (

your performance- und trans* soli Tresen-Crew

Fleetstreet Theatre
Admiralitätsstr. 71

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