Per-Verse Queerbar @slot
Hey Queerdos and Friends<3
We are happy to invite you to our next Queerbar in slot!
Safe the date and pick up all ur qtie friends for
Friday 14.04. 21-4h.
This time we got a special edition for you:
we gonna open our datingoffice for you and play 'Herzblatt statt Schmerzblatt' with everybody who wants to join the game for finding new friends, old crushes or the perfect bunch of people for a groupdate.
From now on we have door support from crewcrew, so it would be great to give little donation at the door if it's easy for you.
Also a little reminder: Please don't assume the sexuality, gender or pronouns of another person and take care of each other.
Looking forward to see u all there xx
Weitere Veranstaltungen
Do, 06.02.2025, 19.00 | Do, 06.03.2025, 19.00 | Do, 03.04.2025, 19.00 |FLINTA* Tresen
Do, 06.02.2025, 19.00 |Ort nach Anfrage per Mail
Fr, 07.02.2025, 16.15 bis 17.45 | Fr, 04.04.2025, 16.15 bis 17.45 | Fr, 06.06.2025, 16.15 bis 17.45 |Hamburger Kunsthalle
Sa, 08.02.2025, 18.30 bis 20.30 | Sa, 15.02.2025, 18.30 bis 20.30 | Sa, 22.02.2025, 18.30 bis 20.30 |St.Pauli Office
Sa, 08.02.2025, 22.00 |B-Movie
Mo, 03.02.2025, 19.00 | bis Di, 04.02.2025, 02.00 | Mo, 10.02.2025, 19.00 | bis Di, 11.02.2025, 02.00 | Mo, 17.02.2025, 19.00 | bis Di, 18.02.2025, 02.00 |Eldorado Bar
Mo, 10.02.2025, 19.30 |Gemeindesaal St. Petri
Di, 11.02.2025, 18.00 |Teehaus / Große Wallanlagen
Di, 11.02.2025, 19.00 |TheaterKeller
Do, 13.02.2025, 18.00 bis 19.30 |Hamburger Kunsthalle
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